Venue Pricing

Venue Pricing

Whether you’re looking to book La Botanique for filming, cooking or an event, we have a simplified pricing model to make hiring our venue easy to plan for.

Filming & Photography

Half Day (5 hours) Full Day (10 hours)
With Kitchens - Unrestricted access and use of La Botanique spaces, including both kitchens and their equipment. $2,000 $2,500
Without Kitchens - Access to everything except the studio and commercial kitchen spaces. $1,650 $2.000
Cleaning Fee $200 $200

1) Pricing excludes GST.
2) Half day and full day times include bump in / bump out.
3) Overtime is charged at $200 per hour.


Half Day (5 hours) Full Day (10 hours)
Unrestricted access and use of La Botanique spaces, including both kitchens and their equipment. $2,000 $2,500
Cleaning Fee $200 $200

1) Pricing excludes GST.
2) Half day and full day times include bump in / bump out.
3) Overtime is charged at $200 per hour.

Bespoke Event Hire Pricing

Half Day (6 hours) Full Day (12 hours)
Unrestricted access and use of La Botanique spaces, including both kitchens and their equipment. $2,000 $2,500
Cleaning Fee $200 $200

1) Pricing excludes GST.
2) Half day and full day times include bump in / bump out.
3) Overtime is charged at $200 per hour.

Ready to hire La Botanique?